Monday 27 May 2013



                                                                 Vishdhar kaal sarp yoga is said to occur in a native's horoscope when Rahu and Ketu are on the axis of the Eleventh house and Ketu in a manner that Rahu is placed in the 11th house which means Ketu will have its place in the 5th house exactly at 180 degrees from Rahu and all planets being sandwiched between these two planets. The following are the interpretations for natives with vishdhar kaal sarp yoga.

  1. Sagittarius is a common sign and the native will examine the positive and negative points of everything before taking any decision.

     2. The native will be popular as being humorous in his friend circle.
      3. Mars, Jupiter. Venus and Saturn are placed in lagna in conjunction and aspected by Ketu. Lagnesh is in its own house.
      4. The native will be very short-tempered and a protector of the wicked.
      5. The native will be successful in life after the age of 46 years.

       6. The moon is placed in the 2nd house. So, the native is soft-spoken.
       7. The native will learn immediately and also forget quickly...
       8. Mars is the fifth house's lord and is placed in the lagna. Due to this conjunction, it gives inauspicious results.

        9. The native is bold and wicked.
       10. Venus is the sixth house's lord and is placed in Lagna. The native will be wealthy and talented and fond of pets but devoid of sons.
       11. Sun is placed in the twelfth house and the native may have to suffer political imprisonment and sudden loss of wealth during the journey.
      12. Saturn is placed in lagna and the earlier part of life will be full of problems and struggle.
       13. Rahu is in the eleventh house and the native will be cursed with a previous life, like the death of the son and abortion of the wife.                                                                                                                    
 14.   The native will be strong physically and have a few children and will be desirous of traveling abroad.                                                                                                                                        
  15. The native's brothers and friends may trouble him and one may assault him.

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