Sunday 27 January 2013

Vasuki kaal sarp yoga

  VASUKI  KAAL  SARP YOGAVasuki Kaal sarp yoga is said to be formed when Rahu situated  in  3rd house , which means ketu will lie exactly at 180 degrees i.e in ninth house .All planets are situated  between these two planets. Briefing the results of Vasuki  Kaal Sarp yoga  in the natal horoscope, we have come to the following interpretations.

         Vasuki Kaal  sarp Yoga is the third house in Rahu and Ketu in the ninth house.

  •  They are hardworking, industrious, disciplined, loving and collaborative. 
  • They liked their misery to say no to anyone and to say truth and conduct.
  • There is a reflection on not getting a support from a family life home.
  • . If you get outside support, then do it for bigger work.
  • They get wealth and honor, but sometimes the support of the brother's family is not available.
  • Fate is often cheated, which makes the temperament become irritable.
  • Larger - Smaller than older people are more supportive and tolerant. Bizarre incidents with them go natural.
  •  Such a person will often be surrounded by war, land, fight, quarrels, riot etc. due to childhood or older age, being affected and breaking his or her own limbs, siblings have died,
  • Such a person makes an impossible task by doing excessive work on his own, and also makes impossible tasks too. So sometimes even being indifferent to laziness, it also takes great losses. When it is done, there is less benefit in proportion. Both of these situations do not have any moody consequences.
  •    He is cheated by sister and brothers and friends when she needs the most. It is also possible that those people do not get along with them even in the most difficult circumstances. Many times he is a victim of betrayal of brothers and sisters, friends, and raises him damage.
  • The fortune side often show their uplift and fall. The absence of work, unwanted, unexpected pleasant situations and the sad conditions of the expected conditions are the characteristics of the serpent yoga.
  •         Income and expenditure always remain unbalanced Expected money is not available when needed. In the midst of becoming a prospect of wealth and coming in hand, the path of wealth becomes only in the middle. Value due to wealth - respect gets repressed.


                            In this horoscope, the native was born Ascendant Libra.Ascendant lord is situated in  6th bhava and exalted position.4th &  5th lord is placed in own house.11 th lord Sun is situated in 7th bhava and exalted position.Mars is situated in own house with conjunction Mercury.10th lord Moon is placed in exalt ion position.Jupiter, Saturn and Mars are situated their own houses formed Raja yoga..He was well qualified and posted as Lecturer in Govt           

Saturn is vision on 7th house ,the native has wife suffered health problems and bur done expenditure incurred.


        In this horoscope,    The   Ascendant Scorpio and Saturn is located. When the Saturn is the Lord of the 3rd and 4th house. All the planets are the situation between Rahu & Ketu .10th house lord Sun with Rahu is located in 3rd house. The native be a king Saturn is the lagna and Lord Lord placed in 2nd house conjunction Venus & Mercury together, and Saturn  is vision on 7th house. Rahu and Sun is also vision on 7th house. The native had got all kind of pleasure facilities

            He was born in January 14, 1898 . He took principality of Jodpur succeeding his father in March 1911. Ascendant lord dasha is going on.  He took the gold medal from Delhi durbar  in 1911.
                                  In 1917, the British rule was bored on the headquarters of Major General. Then they were given a victory Madal in 1918. In October 1918, their brother killed them.

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