Thursday 24 January 2013

Kulika kaal sarp yoga


Kulika kaal sarp yoga is said to be formed when Rahu lies in the second house, which means Ketu will lie exactly at 180 degrees, i.e., in eighth house. All other planets lie between these two planets. Briefing the results of kulika kaal sarp yoga in a natal horoscope, we have come to the following interpretations:
  • Native is looked down as portent (apshakun/panauti). He is looked down in family and society. Since he's considered portent, he is compelled to stay away from his family and hence, he gets aloof from his own family.
  • Native does not inherit his paternal property. Just in case, he gets so, he himself looses it of his inability to nurture the same. Even if such a person is somehow able to gather wealth, still it is lost all of a sudden. Loosing all the earned wealth just at the blink of an eye might compel the person to commit suicide.
  • Kulika kaal sarp yoga is responsible for a lot of enemies of the native. Moreover, he leads the life full of illness.Generally the organs affected are upper areas of the native's body, eg. ear, nose, throat problems.
  •  Native has the tendency to see the dreams of dead people of his life. Sometimes the nightmares become so intense that the native sees the death scenes of already dead persons. This makes the native feel too much scared and might also lead to untimely death.
  • It becomes difficult for the native to attain successful career. Even if he achieves some height, then he is suppressed by his official seniors; due to which he has to undergo physical as well as mental stress.
  • Native may also be caught by some incurable disease.
  • Native is always in the search of a true friend, but remains devoid of him.
An example of kulika kaal sarp yoga is:

               This combination is bad for health and probability of losses and accidents is high with the native too.

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  1. sir, I have rahu in 2nd house and kethu in 8th house. but other planets are are also there in 7th house 10th house, 11 th house and in lagna. will it come under kulilka kaal sarpa yoga?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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