Friday 3 May 2013

Padam kaal sarp yoga

           PADAM KAAL SARP YOGA                                                                       

Padam  kaal sarp yoga  is said to occur in a native's horoscope when Rahu and ketu are on the axis of fifth house and ketu in eleventh house in manner that Rahu is placed in the fifth house which means ketu will have its place in the eleventh house exactly at 180 degrees from Rahu and all planets being sandwiched between these two planets. The following are the interpretations for the native with Padam kaal sarp yoga. The native faces problem due to his past life karmas.    

Fifth bhava indicates primary education and children. In the above chart, Jupiter is in lagna and saturn is placed in fourth bhava with lagnesh moon. Saturn is 7th house's lord aspecting 6th,10th and 1st house. Three planets exalted have good result i.e. role of mahapurush yoga. The native will have  a good family and will be educated, earn money through own efforts and may become a good doctor. He will adapt business in science of chemicals and great name and fame and will have a long life and good children.

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